It's very nice, hard sometimes, I enjoied playing it. But at level 21 it didn't want to work, even if I pressed them in the correct order, prety fast, and saw them sticking.
It's very nice, hard sometimes, I enjoied playing it. But at level 21 it didn't want to work, even if I pressed them in the correct order, prety fast, and saw them sticking.
Lol o.o
This is very good to release yoru anger, though sometimes it is annoying... I'd like to see more tourture chambers with more freedom.
'...Holy shit!' xD
Nice, nice!
It's soo awesome! Long live angy faic!
Oh yes, I see you misspelled the title, since in the game it's Angry faic and the title is Agnry faic... ;) AM I wrong?
Not so good
The concept is the only good part. The timing of the lasers is very bad, and the average speed isn't good. More features would be good. Something like larger maps with checkpoints.
Very hard
The questions are very hard, though I could answer many of them.
5 Was funny. x)
15- You have to click h, o, r ,s then e on that keyboard.
24- Click the 'v' in 'Lives' (down left corner)
The duck- Click it's afro hair. :3
42- Click the 42'nd 42. ( second in down left corner)
I wasted much time on this. x)
For anybody who wants the answers till question 60, PM me. I can't charge mah' lazor in time. :(
I would like to know how many questions does this quiz have. :)
Nice, nice! :)
Emotional-F (Lol?)
How did it figure out I'd be really happy if an outbreak occurs? >:(
Can you tell me the name of the song, please? :D
I'm adding this to favourites, I lvoe it! :3
'Fun in the Elevator' and 'Vista Errors' made me ROFL!! xD
Awesome music...
It was totally awesome , but the jump error ruined it. You should really fix that. It makes the first and last level the hardest to beat. x)
I'm surrounded by MORONS.
Age 81, Female
On a rooftop
Joined on 10/10/09